Friday, December 4, 2009

Sale! Sale! Sale!

The Dark Goddess may have gone least, that is what the latest sale seems to indicate. Tons of items have been ripped from the store and added to a random sale board. Every 15 minutes the board chooses an item to price at 10%-80% off of the normal price. Yes, that's right, up to 80% off of the regular stock of merchandise.
The only trick involved is the 15 minute random wait. It's really not that long when you consider that many of the sale items are FULL AVATARS or color change items! You are looking for a sign like this one:
You can find the 15 minute vendor near the extremely awesome motorcycle, which I am going to show you a picture of because, well, it rocks. *Grins*
Here is your long black limo ride to Dark Goddess Designs!